Submissions to this journal must be in excellent English and follow its topic, scope, and author standards. Before submitting their work, authors who do not speak English as their first language should have it checked for grammar and clarity. Submissions must be original, have scientific value, or add something new to the body of knowledge that fits the journal's scope and emphasis. Manuscripts must be presented honestly by authors, free of plagiarism, fabrication, falsification, and inappropriate data manipulation. Every manuscript that is submitted needs to be original and unpublished. To determine how similar the manuscripts in this journal are to one another, editors will use iThenticate software. Peer review is essential to the caliber of published manuscripts because it helps authors clarify important points, spot mistakes and gaps, and offer helpful criticism and recommendations. It also acts as a filter, carefully examining research before it is published. This journal follows the conventional single-blind review procedure, which ensures that the submitting author is never aware of the reviewer's identity. The quality, contribution, validity, originality, relevance, and presentation of the research findings will all be evaluated by a minimum of two anonymous, independent reviewers from the field of study. In order to prevent the selection of dishonest peer reviewers and to guarantee a fair, impartial, and prompt peer review process, the publisher makes sure that editors adhere to best practice criteria. When determining whether to accept or reject your work for publication, the editor will take peer reviewers' comments into account. The editor will swiftly inform the writers of the outcomes of each review cycle, which takes around eight weeks. There may be one, two, or three rounds of peer review for each paper. There will be no communication if the editor decides an article is not appropriate for this journal. All correspondence, including requests for revisions and editor decisions, will be sent by email. We uphold the following tenet and support the integrity of peer review: Every paper published in this journal has passed a thorough peer review process, which includes initial editor screening, anonymous refereeing by impartial, knowledgeable referees, and any necessary revisions by the article authors.